We all have labels. Some we place on ourselves. Others are given to us by other people. Good, bad, and indifferent, we all have them. The real question is, what does God have to say about us? What labels does God want to place on our lives? What labels have God called us to embrace? These are the questions Derwin Gray attempts to answer in his new book, Limitless Life. He says,
Many of us are stuck believing negative messages that come from these kinds of labels because they are often stitched on our hearts at an early age, and this has limited our lives. Labels can be difficult to shed because, for better or worse, they can become our identity, and it is difficult to let go of that.
Throughout the book Derwin looks at the negative "soul-tattoos" that we have been labeled with and seeks to unpack what things God has said are true of us in His Word. When we are afraid, God has said we are courageous. When we are labeled as "Damaged Goods," God has called us trophies of Grace. And even when our lives are a mess, God has called each of us, "Masterpiece."
This book is a powerful look into what the Bible has to say about us. Jesus Christ paid too high a price for us to believe lies that will limit our lives. It is time for us embrace what God has called us to be and rip off the negative labels that have been ingrained on our hearts and souls for far too long.
As a blog special, I am giving away TWO SIGNED copies of Limitless Life. To enter for your free copy, comment below and email me at jeremiahdmartin@rocketmail.com. I will announce the winners next week. Get ready to live a Limitless Life!
*I received this book free from the publisher and I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I do not profit from any merchandise purchased via links provided.